Perhaps the most troubling part of the rise in prescription drug abuse is the increase in abuse by our teenagers, 12-17 years of age. Pharmaceuticals are now the #1 substance of abuse for this age group, with one of their main supplies being the family medicine cabinet. NADDI’s thought was to develop a coloring book that sent the right message about prescription drugs to children before they become teenagers.
With this in mind, the coloring book was created to appeal to children 2-10 years of age who are our future teenagers and potential abusers of prescription drugs. The coloring book is 20 pages of fun that includes puzzles, games, and of course plenty of pages to color.
The message is simple – prescription drugs are good for your health when they are prescribed by a doctor, dispensed by a pharmacist, and taken only when given to you by your parents or other trusted adult. Inside the back cover is a message to the parents that discusses the problems with prescription drugs being left in the medicine cabinet and some steps that can be taken to reduce the availability of these drugs in the home.
Click here to preview the a portion of Dougie’s coloring book.
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